Lubrication method for spindle bearings of CNC lathes
The sequence of adding lubricating grease to the bearings of CNC lathes after cleaning, and different methods of adding lubricating grease can lead to unstable temperature rise, abnormal temperature rise, long initial running in time, and even burns during initial running in operation. Therefore, it is necessary to use appropriate lubricating grease and appropriate filling amount according to the usage conditions for correct filling.
1、 Confirmation before filling: Confirm that there are no residual foreign objects in the bearings of the CNC lathe. Suggest cleaning and degreasing the bearings of the high-speed spindle before adding lubricating grease. In other applications, it is also recommended to remove the rust proof oil attached to the bearing first.
2、 When adding grease: In order to inject an appropriate amount of grease, it is recommended to use a grease injector. Use a grease injector with a readable fill number.
3、 Recommended values for lubricating grease injection for bearings in CNC lathes: angular contact ball bearings for high-speed spindles with 15% and 2% space volume. Cylindrical roller bearings for high-speed spindles, with 10% and 2% space volume. Ball bearings are used for motors, occupying 20% to 30% of the space volume.
Lubricating grease filling method for ball bearings: evenly fill lubricating grease between the balls. If it is a phenolic resin retainer with outer ring guidance, it is recommended to apply grease on the guiding surface of the retainer. Rotate the bearing by hand to evenly distribute the lubricating grease into the raceway surface, the interior of the cage, between the balls, and the guide surface, filling the internal space of the bearing with lubricating grease.
Lubricating grease filling method for cylindrical roller bearings on CNC lathes: Apply 80% of the lubricating grease evenly onto the rolling surface of the rollers. At this point, it is recommended not to apply too much grease on the inside of the holder. The grease inside the cage is difficult to spread during the initial running in stage of Z, which will increase the temperature rise and prolong the running in time. The grease on the surface of the roller raceway will spread to the roller end face, the contact area between the cage and the roller, and the pocket, making the grease evenly distributed throughout the bearing. Apply a thin layer of 20% lubricating grease evenly on the surface of the outer race raceway where the bearing seat is to be installed.